NICE: Networked Intelligence for sCience Exploration 通过网联智能,更好助力科技进步。
Prospective Students
Delving into investigating application-level and theory-level networked intelligence methods, our group aims to contributing science exploration meaningfully and effectively. If you are aligned with this vision and more than strongly self-motivated, feel free to contact me.
NICE to meet you! 期待遇见灿若星辰的你。
We (The NICE Team)
Luckily meet these wonderful minds below to work and study together.
Class 2019
- Ph.D Candidate: Ni Fei 倪霏
Class 2020
- Ph.D Candidate: Zhu Jianhang 朱建行
Class 2021
- Ph.D Candidate: Wen Ruoqi 温若琪
Class 2022
Ph.D Candidate: Lu Zhilin 鲁芝琳, Yu Xiaoxue 于小雪, Chen Yuxuan 陈宇轩 (合作指导)
Master Students: Tong Siyu 童思予, Xiang Yuming 项羽铭, Li Sizhao 李斯照
Class 2023
Ph.D Candidate: Wu Niannian 吴念念, Dong Qianyun 董千韵
Master Student: Huang Jiahao 黄嘉豪
Alumni List
Graduates in 2022: Shao Yan 邵燕, Xu Xing 徐行, Chen Kun 陈焜 (合作指导), Chen Minghao 陈明昊 (合作指导)
Graduates in 2023: Zhou Qingyang 周清炀, Lu Kun 卢锟
Graduates in 2024: Yi Xingfu 易幸夫, Xiao Baidi 肖柏狄, Wang Bingyan 汪丙炎
- 华为、阿里、字节跳动、国家电网等
Our Awards and Honors
- 2023年全国工业互联网创新大赛二等奖
- 国家自然科学基金委指导,基金委信息学部、中国工业互联网研究院等主办
国家奖学金 3人次
浙江省优秀毕业生 4 人次
浙江大学优秀毕业研究生 5 人次
信电学院优秀硕士学位论文 2 人次
Waiting for you [虚位以待]